tank – Expert Consulting

Create Products, Operate Efficiently and Build Trust

Our network of Dietary Supplement and Personal Care experts help your company with the complexities of efficient and FDA compliant operations.

Augment your staff

to handle the

recurring requirements

of your business


Experts and Managers


Growth and Remediation


create product

Create Products

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    Meet label claims

    Make sure that the ingredients effectively meet the labelling and marketing claims

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    Ensure Product Consistency

    Monitor raw materials inputs and manufacturing outputs to make sure the product stays the same from one batch to the next

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    Optimize Supply Chain

    Get the right ingredient suppliers, that can reliably supply consistent quality at the right price

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    Product Development

    We will formulate and source on your behalf, and help you negotiate with your contract manufacturer for the best price and product.

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    Supplier Qualification

    Our industry experts know the strengths of different contract manufacturers, and can validate the quality and reliability of your supply chain.

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    Market Research And Entry Plans

    Before you create a product, we can assess the competition and plan the effective distribution of your product.


Assure Quality

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    Managing the Food Safety Plan

    Control and monitor the factors that prevent a hazardous food safety problem.

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    Preventative Controls Qualified Individual

    Although your team likely has individuals with the experience to prepare food safety and HAACP programs, hiring a certified third party PCQI helps ensure your team and your processes are fully compliant and properly validated.

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    Create Standard Operating Procedures

    Start with our templates and build a set of Standard Operating Procedures for your crucial quality processes.

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    Manufacturer Audits

    Visit your manufacturer to ensure that operations are meeting your quality and regulatory requirements.

money tree

Operate Efficiently

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    Sales Channel Incentives

    Create promotions and incententives for sales reps to sell more products.

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    Import and Export

    Prepare customs documents, track and resolve products through customs, and deal with international regulators.

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    We can manage different strategies to make sure you stay safely in stock

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    Shipping and Logistics

    Set up inbound material handling and quarrantine processes, select shipping partners, and build out customer shipment facilities.

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    Customer Relations

    Maximize your customer equity with Customer Relationship Management systems that provide a 360 degree view of prospects and customers.  Make the inbound order taking experience smooth and effective.

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    Omnichannel E-Commerce

    Set up sales platforms on Amazon and other marketplaces.  Build out e-commerce platforms on hosted and cloud shopping carts.

regulatory response

Regulatory Compliance & Response

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    Monitor Compliance

    We can routinely review the Key Performance Indicators for your compliance efforts

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    Check Marketing Claims

    Our regulatory experts can review web pages, printed materials and labels to catch subtle regulatory problems with marketing claims.

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    Third Party Compliance Review

    By making sure your contract manufacturers and ingredient suppliers are compliant with quality standards and regulations, we help you build trust across your entire supply chain.

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    Governance, Risk and Compliance

    Complying with the intricate requirements of HIPAA, Sarbanse-Oxley and other legislation is not a do-it-yourself project.


Cyber Security

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    Routine Security Management

    Keep servers and routers updated with the latest security patches, test for vulnerabilities and monitor threats.

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    System Operations

    Add users and computers, connect external resources, manage changes to networks and servers.

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    Payment Compliance

    Make sure that Payment Card Industry requirements are followed (PCI Compliance)

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    Managing for Growth

    Assess your ability to grow within the current infrastructure, plan for system expansion and implement changes.

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    Emergency Response

    Thwart hackers and denial-of-service attacks.

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    System Remediation

    Re-configure systems and install new software and equipment to fix problems that have been discovered.